Al-Jahith Treasury

Al-Jahith Treasury / Khazanat Al- Jahith / خزانة الجاحظ is one of my most admired places in Amman, imagine your self isolated inside a beduin tent far a way  from all of the city’s headaches between tons and tons of used and rare books! This is heaven for me!

Hamzeh the shop owner

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Kanaat Salon

I do love vintage authentic shops, I can’t pass by one of them and do not go inside and spend some time with the shop owner.  Kanaat Salon صالون القناعة is warm barbershop I’ve found last year while visiting Orhangazi city, north of Bursa, Turkey.



Secret harmony in Islamic manuscripts

This is a big research that I’m working on, I’m so thrilled to dig more to reveal more and more stories from our own history. Here I’m sharing a piece that amused me, it’s a spread from Ibn al-Nafis book: Compendium of the Canon of Medicine which he wrote around 1240 CE – 1288 CE, I added some guiding graphics to emphasis my findings.

Enjoy looking!
